
Daily Mail

Are aliens getting less camera shy? UFOs filmed above BBC building in London

By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 8:02 AM on 27th June 2011

If UFOs are real and trying to get our attention perhaps they are getting a little more savvy about the way we humans work.

A new video has emerged purporting to show 'a mothership and its fleet' zipping around in the clouds above a BBC building in West London.

Perhaps the group of intergalactic travellers was hoping for some coverage from Auntie.

Instead they were caught on camera by a passer-by, and at least one other person who can be seen filming or taking pictures on his camera phone while the video is filmed.

In the video, the cameraman runs towards the corner of Bolsover Street and Clipstone Street where two other men are already standing, gazing skywards, one of whom is using a mobile phone camera. (More.)


Nashua Telegraph

Daily TWiP - U.S. Air Force releases the Roswell UFO report today in 1997

Welcome to Daily TWiP, your daily dose of all the holidays and history we couldn’t cram into The Week in Preview.

Today (June 24th) in 1997, the U.S Air Force released a 231-page report titled “The Roswell Report, Case Closed,” intending to prove once and for all that there had been no UFO crash in Roswell, New Mexico, back in 1947. The military was therefore not in possession of any alien bodies from the UFO wreckage and there was no massive government cover-up regarding extraterrestrial life. How could that be the case, they reasoned, when there had been no crash?

Unfortunately for the military, this had the opposite effect. Angry ufologists took the report to pieces, pointing out inconsistencies and continuing to cry cover-up. (More)



UFO sighting increase ongoing over six weeks in Kansas City, Missouri area

June 23, 2011 2:49 pm ET
Roger Marsh

The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) at Missouri is reporting a UFO sighting increase that has been ongoing these past six weeks, according to a June 23, 2011, telephone interview with Assistant State Director Margie Kay.

"The last six weeks in Kansas City have been absolutely crazy with sightings," Kay said today. "It all started May 7. I was in St. Louis to do a talk, and I was asked by Missouri State Director Debbie Ziegelmeyer to do an interview with a guy named Ray." (More)



MUFON investigators report triangle UFOs and missing time

June 20, 2011 6:38 pm ET
Roger Marsh

Two Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) investigators report observing two triangle-shaped objects in the sky and experiencing missing time as they traveled south along Highway 67 in Missouri's Saint Francious County enroute to the Piedmont UFO Festival, according to June 20, 2011, testimony from the Mutual UFO Network witness reporting database.

The reporting witness is Assistant State Director for Missouri and the second witness is a STAR Team Investigator for Kansas MUFON.

While driving along Missouri's Highway 67, they noticed a bright object to their east. (More)



A Plea for UFO-E.T. Cover-up Deathbed Confessions
By Larry W. Bryant

Submitted by Robert D Morningstar on Tue, 06/21/2011 - 12:19

Although he wasn't on his deathbed when he began to blow the whistle on the U. S. government's UFO-E.T. cover-up, retired Army intelligence officer, Jesse Marcel, Sr., did point the way for others to come forward with "deathbed confessions" as to their role in, or knowledge of the cover-up.

Had he lived, and talked on the record, for several more years, Marcel doubtless would've become even more of an asset to today's researchers trying to pave the way for a full-scale congressional inquiry into the cover-up.

Essential to that inquiry would be the reliable, verifiable, sworn testimony (with any confirmatory documentary evidence) offered by any witness who, now after perhaps decades of forced silence, has concluded (s)he has nothing to lose by "telling all" in a deathbed confession. (More)


The Sheilds Gazette

We’re worlds apart on UFOs

Published on Thursday 2 June 2011 05:18

I’VE had an enthusiastic response to last week’s column on the UFO phenomenon.

The vast majority of it was supportive, but one Gazette reader wasn’t happy.

In an extremely aggressive manner, they suggested that anyone who was broad-minded enough to believe in the existence of UFOs was a crank.

Well, I’ve a few questions I’d to put to those who aren’t just content with denying the existence of UFOs, but also vilifying those who do.

The universe is a big place, and as far as I’m aware, we earthlings haven’t yet explored every nook and cranny of it.

How the sceptics can then say that there isn’t life in outer space is beyond me. How could they know?

Have we been visited by more advanced lifeforms from other worlds?

The only cogent (but not necessarily correct) argument I’ve ever heard is that the vast distances between star systems would make travelling to them impossible.

Well, NASA and other bodies have been looking at several theoretical possibilities as to how this could be accomplished for some time.(More.)


Sydney Morning Herald

Our 'Roswell' now one for the history books

Jewel Topsfield
June 4, 2011

ON APRIL 6, 1966, students from Westall High School and Westall State School claimed to have seen a mysterious metallic flying object hover above them before descending behind trees in Clayton South.

Many more say they later saw the perimeter of a perfect circle singed into the grass at the Grange Reserve near Westall State School.(More)


The Telegraph
Australia's UFO files mysteriously disappear

By Bonnie Malkin
12:32PM BST 07 Jun 2011

In what sounds like a plot from a science fiction film, it seems that the bulk of the Australian government’s X-Files have mysteriously disappeared.(More)


iol scitech
The case of the missing X-Files

June 9 2011 at 06:11pm
- Reuters

Canberra - Australia's military has lost its X-Files, detailing sightings of Unidentified Flying Objects, or UFOs, across the country, a newspaper report said on Tuesday.(More)

UFO sightings help astrobiologists crack the extraterrestrial barrier on Earth

Submitted by Dave Masko on 2011-06-01

"What if life was planted here on Earth, and it rode in on an asteroid or was put here by aliens," says Dr. David Eagleman during a May 31 NPR interview. (More)

The New York Times

A Military Post’s Secrets: Espionage, Not Aliens

Published: May 15, 2011

At the start of “Area 51,” Annie Jacobsen’s cauldron-stirring book about America’s most mysterious military installation, Ms. Jacobsen offers a passing glimpse of a large-headed little gray space alien being interrogated by scientists in white coats.


Science Daily

First Habitable Exoplanet? Climate Simulation Reveals New Candidate That Could Support Earth-Like Life

ScienceDaily (May 16, 2011)

The planetary system around the red dwarf Gliese 581, one of the closest stars to the Sun in the galaxy, has been the subject of several studies aiming to detect the first potentially habitable exoplanet. Two candidates have already been discarded, but a third planet, Gliese 581d, can be considered the first confirmed exoplanet that could support Earth-like life. This is the conclusion of a team of scientists from the Institut Pierre Simon Laplace (CNRS, UPMC, ENS Paris, Ecole Polytechnique) in Paris, France, whose study is published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters.(More)



Diamond UFO jumps through 'pockets of time'

May 9, 2011 12:13 pm ET Roger Marsh

Two Colorado witnesses report watching a diamond-shaped UFO with a geometric design on its underside that appeared to jump forward through "pockets of time" as it moved overhead, according to May 8, 2011, testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

They first noticed a "strange glowing orb" hovering in the distance, but moved outside when the object traveled "extremely fast" toward their location.

The silent craft seemed to slow down over their home.(More)


Thought Leader

On UFOs and (psychogenic) perception

Bert Oliver

The recent declassification of previously secret documents by the FBI, and the availability of these on their so-called Vault website, have given the public access to, among others, the documents pertaining to the UFO “incident” at Roswell in the US, dating back to 1947. The incident in question involves, not merely sightings of “flying discs” — of which there were unbelievably many, as recorded in these documents, especially between the late 1940s and the 1960s — but the discovery of one of these “spacecraft” that supposedly crashed near Roswell, New Mexico, in July of that year.

The newly released files confirm that the disc-like craft that had crashed, contained three humanoid figures, about four feet tall, with heads that were disproportionately big for their small bodies. Even the clothes they were wearing are described, and if one googles “Roswell incident”, or “Roswell aliens”, or “Roswell alien autopsy”, you get to sites where a film, supposedly taken by one of the people involved with the autopsy carried out on (at least) one of the “aliens” may be viewed. The number of hits registered on those sites are an index of the interest generated by these “sensational” revelations.(More)


Timothy Hines Blog


Friday, April 22, 2011

Articles relating to newly released documents from the FBI concerning the Roswell incident have been going around the news for a few days, but I thought the news worth posting. Here is a quote from one of the FBI documents:

   “An investigator for the Air Forces stated that three so-called flying saucers had been recovered in New Mexico. They were described as being circular in shape with raised centers approximately 50 feet in diameter. Each one was occupied by three bodies of human shape but only 3 feet tall, dressed in metallic cloth of a very fine texture. Each body was bandaged in a manner similar to the blackout suits used by speed flyers and test pilots..." (More)


FBI Vault


“An investigator for the Air Forces stated that three so-called flying saucers had been recovered in New Mexico. They were described as being circular in shape with raised centers approximately 50 feet in diameter. (More)


American Chronicle

Human progress, Earth's future could be related to UFOs

May 01, 2011 Steve Hammons

Have we acquired advanced technologies from contact with extraterrestrials? Many credible researchers who have looked into the general topic of alleged UFO incidents and evidence say the answer is yes.(More)


Elk Grove Citzen

UFOs are with us again

Published: Thursday, March 31, 2011 2:52 PM PDT

Great Scott, UFOs are back in the news.

Now the “Unidentified Flying Object” chase is taking a different approach. It’s been modernized.

Former pilots and officials are calling for a new United States UFO probe. Maybe the old theories of aliens from outer space will be relegated to the background as the search for UFOs takes on a new tack.

Today, former military aviators along with others say UFOs can pose a national security problem.

Panelists from seven countries, which included former senior military personnel, created the recommendation for the government to reopen its UFO investigation.(More)



16 Famous People Who Believe In Aliens

by Adalbert March 24, 2011

There’s a stat that some 4 million Americans have had encounters with extra-terrestrials. What’s even more interesting, disturbing, pathetic, or however else you want to put it, 30% of the American population claims to have been abducted by aliens. Regardless if that means we’re living in a country with a larger number of crazies than I previously believed, or, there are actually aliens that like committing a felony, we humans have longed been fascinated by the possibility of having an ET out there. It seems that these sort of tales picked up during the 20th Century with incidents like Roswell and the abduction of Barney and Betty Hill on September 19, 1961. Sometimes these accounts get made into movies, Fire in the Sky is an example. But what’s even more interesting is many well known people have come forward and shared their experiences with strange alien encounters that the normal person has. Here’s 16 celebrities who believe in aliens, some of them may be wacky, but some may actually surprise you.(More)



Boston Science Fiction Film Festival, aluminum foil hats optional

By Loren King - Globe Correspondent

February 02, 2013

Get out your ray guns. The 38th annual Boston Science Fiction Film Festival is upon us, convening Friday through Feb. 18 at the Somerville Theatre. One of the longest-running genre festivals in the United States...Among the highlights this year: the East Coast premiere of “War of the Worlds: The True Story” (Saturday at 7 p.m.). Produced by Susan Goforth, a Boston Conservatory alum, and the late Jack Gallo from Lowell, it’s described as “the eyewitness account of Bertie Wells, the last living survivor of the Earth/Mars War (1900) as he searches for his love amidst the destruction at the hands of Martian invaders.” Entire Story...



Review: 'War of the Worlds: The True Story' is clever like Wells

'War of the Worlds: The True Story' is an inventive mock sci-fi docudrama with the conceit that H.G. Wells' 'The War of the Worlds' is a true story.

By Gary Goldstein

December 18, 2012, 5:00 a.m.

What if the Earth/Mars battle from H.G. Wells' classic novel "The War of the Worlds" wasn't fiction but actually fact? That's the conceit behind the hugely inventive and ambitious concoction "War of the Worlds: The True Story," a mock sci-fi docudrama packed with a truly impressive — and clever — mix of editing (a reported 3 1/2 years' worth), special effects, visual artistry and offbeat storytelling.

Director-editor Timothy Hines (he also co-wrote with producer and cast member Susan Goforth) sets his provocative tale around a supposed found-footage interview, "originally" shot in 1965, with 86-year-old Englishman Bertie Wells (Floyd Reichman), the last living eyewitness to the turn-of-the-century Martian Apocalypse.

Flashing back to the shocking "invasion," Entire Story...



‘War of the Worlds’ comes close to historical reality in indie movie

  July 12, 2012
  By: Steven Rose, Jr.

Rating for
War of the Worlds: The True Story
5 out of 5 STARS

Making a new version of “War of the Worlds” using footage from the original 1953 movie would be unimaginable to many. It would probably be a mismatch with today’s high tech special effects. But strangely enough, independent film makers Timothy Hines and Susan Goforth achieve realism by using both special effects, including CGI, and old film footage in their adaptation of H.G. Wells’ classic science fiction novel. Hines and Goforth make the events of Wells’ terrifying tale of Martians attacking Earth a historical “reality” in their mashup documentary style movie, “War of the Worlds: The True Story”.

Hines’s and Goforth’s version of “War of the Worlds” is told through the point of view of the last living survivor of the war with Mars, Bertie Wells (played by Floyd Reichman). He tells about his experiences of the 1900 Martian attack in a 1965 interview. Built around this interview is a mashup (or mix) of film footage both fictional and non-fictional that tells the story documentary style. Much of this footage serves as sets for the main cast whose images were digitally superimposed onto it. But this isn’t just a dull historical telling of the story. Think History Channel’s many dramatic documentaries of catastrophic events, such as wars and natural disasters, and you'll get a feel for Hines and Goforth’s movie. And so "The True Story" carries the suspense and drama of both the 1953 movie and Speilberg’s 2005 version but in a more realistic manner through its documentary style.

What inspired a documentary style for the movie? Goforth said, at the Crest Theatre’s 3:30 Saturday afternoon screening, that it was Wells’ eye-witness/newspaper reporting style of his novel. When yours truly asked if the Orson Welles 1938 radio version’s mass panic had anything to do with that inspiration she said it absolutely did. People who had tuned in late to the radio play thought it was live coverage of an actual Martian invasion.

The techniques used to make “The True Story” were very carefully done with a lot of thought and effort. Hines said at Saturday afternoon’s screening that he and Goforth very carefully chose the footage from the public domain and used it in a way so as not to cause infringement. Along with this, they had to be careful not to allow any of the Hollywood film clips to come across as usage for their own profit but only as usage for supporting the overall content of “The True Story”.

Hines also said that puppetry was used to create the creature effects, such as the robotic war vehicles the Martians attack with. The puppetry was done realistically to the point of suspended disbelief. The robotic vehicles and other creatures are smoothly integrated into the setting. The audio and visual effects for actions such as the war vehicles' firing of heat rays and the collapsing of bridges and buildings give the audience a striking impression without leaving a sense of mismatch between old footage and modern special effects.

Any flaws this movie had were outweighed by the high quality of the other elements such as script and technique. In an early part of the film, Bertie is shown in black-and-white footage walking with his wife, Amy (Goforth). In this footage, Bertie’s eye makeup, used to enhance shadow effect, on his right side shows when he turns his head toward the light momentarily. A few footages were mixed black-and-white and color. For example, the scene of the Martian ship crash is mostly black-and-white but the fire was colored orange. This was probably done for stylistic purposes but seemed to stand out a little too much for a scene that attempts to give the illusion of pre-color archival footage. Also, the 1965 interview scenes are clear and crisp in the first half of the movie but in the second half are made to look aged in the reel with scratching and molding effects.

Again, these flaws are minor when weighed against the rest of the movie. Besides, the footage of Bertie and his wife walking together can be argued to be a “re-enactment” as the notice at the beginning of the movie indicates many of the scenes being. So if this scene was a “re-enactment”, it could be argued to be a “poorly” done “re-enactment” but a “re-enactment” nevertheless, therefore enhancing the realism. Entire Story...



Images and details revealed in the new War Of The Worlds The True Story TV Spot.

A new TV spot for WAR OF THE WORLDS THE TRUE STORY has been released online, featuring never-before-seen footage.

June 19, 2012

The movie, WAR OF THE WORLDS THE TRUE STORY opened with a successful world premiere in Seattle June 14, 2012 and is now playing in select theatres. Next up, the movie plays in Portland OR at Cinema 21 on June 21-22 and the Hollywood Theatre on June 23-24, at the Mount Baker Theatre in Bellingham WA on June 22, and at The Crest Theatre in Sacramento, CA on July 7. The Martians next invade more California cities, Arizona and New Mexico.

Based on the most beloved sci-fi novel of all time by H. G. Wells, the movie is the result of a 15-year journey by Director Timothy Hines and Producers Donovan Le and Susan Goforth to bring the novel to the big screen. Starting as a $42-million production in 2001 with a Hollywood cast, the movie was shut down when the 9/11 attacks occurred. Now, triumphantly, this epic movie comes to theaters, capturing the original novel that terrified generations. Entire Story...


WAR OF THE WORLDS THE TRUE STORY adds Sacramento, California to its Theatrical Movie Release Dates.

Martian Invasion of Sacramento's Crest Theatre on July 7th.

Seattle, WA June 08, 2012

Pendragon Pictures announces that Sacramento California has been added to the theatrical movie exhibition dates of WAR OF THE WORLDS THE TRUE STORY. The movie will make its California premiere in a special engagement at the luxurious Crest Theatre on Saturday, July 7th at 3:30 and 8pm.

The US theatrical release of WAR OF THE WORLDS THE TRUE STORY has its world premiere at Landmark Theatres' Harvard Exit June 14 in Seattle. The limited engagement showings continue on June 22 in Bellingham, Washington at The Mount Baker Theatre, and June 21-24 in Portland Oregon at the Cinema 21 and The Hollywood Theatre. Then California, Arizona and New Mexico in July.

WAR OF THE WORLDS THE TRUE STORY is the eyewitness account of Bertie Wells, the last living survivor of the Earth/Mars War that took place in the year 1900. Bertie struggles to find his wife amidst the destruction of humankind at the hands of terrifying alien invaders. Using visual effects techniques pioneered in FORREST GUMP, WAR OF THE WORLDS THE TRUE STORY blends a modern cast with battalions of actual soldiers in combat, classic era movie stars, and declassified footage of tentacled alien creatures and their astonishing war machines.

Based on the most beloved sci-fi novel of all time by H.G. Wells, the movie is the result of a 15-year journey by Director Timothy Hines and Producers Donovan Le and Susan Goforth to bring the novel to the big screen. Starting as a $42-million production in 2001 with a Hollywood cast, the movie was shut down when the 9/11 attacks occurred. Now, triumphantly, this epic movie comes to theaters, capturing the original novel that terrified generations.

Entire Story...



"War of the Worlds - The True Story" – A 15 Year Journey to Theaters in June

Seattle, WA (PRWEB) May 19, 2012

Pendragon Pictures announces the US theatrical release of "War of the Worlds - The True Story" in limited engagement showings in theaters beginning June 14 in Seattle at Landmark Theatres’ Harvard Exit, June 22 in Bellingham, Washington at The Mount Baker Theatre, and June 21-24 in Portland Oregon at the Cinema 21 and The Hollywood Theatre. Pendragon plans to release the sci-fi monster horror movie in California, Arizona and New Mexico beginning in July.

"War of the Worlds - The True Story" follows the eyewitness account of Bertie Wells, the last living survivor of the Earth/Mars War that took place in the year 1900, as he struggles to find his wife amidst the destruction of humankind at the hands of terrifying alien invaders. Like "Forrest Gump," "War of the Worlds - The True Story" uses cutting edge visual effects to blend a modern cast with battalions of actual fighting soldiers, golden age movie stars, and previously undisclosed images of tentacled alien creatures and their monstrous machines of war.

Based on the most beloved sci-fi novel of all time by H.G. Wells, the movie is the result of a 15-year journey by Director Timothy Hines, Producers Susan Goforth, Donovan Le and a close knit group of artistic collaborators to bring the novel to the big screen. Starting as a $42-million production in 2001, Hines had submitted screenplays to and was in talks with the representatives of Charlize Theron and Michael Caine when the events of September 11th put the movie into turn around due to its themes about disaster.

Entire Story...



‘War of the Worlds’ lands at Hogland House

Published on Thu, Feb 11, 2010
by Paul Archipley

When Timothy Hines and Susan Goforth began production of their sci-fi movie, “War of the Worlds,” they didn’t know they were about to play David to the Goliath that is Hollywood.

Hines, a Port Townsend native and sci-fi fan since childhood, had long dreamed of filming the H.G. Wells story that Orson Welles made famous with his 1938 Halloween night radio broadcast. Some listeners who missed the disclaimer believed Martians were indeed invading Earth.

Hines and Goforth, founders of Pendragon Pictures in Seattle, attracted some Microsoft money in the late 1990s, and the project was born. They had visions of “blowing up” the Space Needle in their film, and were working to line up stars like Michael Caine, Eric Stoltz and Charlize Theron.

Entire Story...



War of The Worlds Movie People Call Do-Over

Revolution News
© Joe Crowe  March 24, 2010

In 2005, director Timothy Hines did a War of the Worlds movie, the same year that Tom Cruise also did a War of the Worlds movie. He said he didn't like it, now he says he's calling a do-over.

RevSF's Geek Curmudgeon Rick Klaw didn't like it, either. He said in his review, "Black and white gives way to color as the narrator finishes. Little did I know that it would all be downhill from there."

Now Hines is doing a new version of the War of the Worlds story in War of the Worlds: The True Story. Here's movie site.

It will look like a documentary, interviewing a survivor of the invasion, and showing archive footage. Producer Susan Goforth said in a press release, "People know there was no real Martian invasion a hundred years ago, right? So laying it out as if it were actual history is a lot of fun. And it hasn’t been done this way since that original Orson Welles broadcast."

That really sounds neat. Of course, I thought a literal adaptation of the novel in a movie sounded neat, too. And so did Hines and Goforth, but they weren't happy with how the movie turned out.

Goforth said the new movie won't reuse footage or effects from the 2005 movie, and it will still be out on Amazon and Netflix. "Who are we to take it away from (the fans)? Even if it’s to have parties and laugh at it. But I can already see that the new remake, War of the Worlds – The True Story, is going to be a lot more satisfying as a representation of Wells. At least that’s our plan.”

Hines said the new effects will be "way more steampunk." He said he made "neophyte mistakes" on the first one. He said,

Entire Story...



War of the Worlds Mock Documentary on the Way

By Matt Kapko | Wednesday, March 10, 2010 at 7:21 am | AWN News

Seattle, WA – A new live-action movie based on H.G. Wells’ seminal science fiction alien invasion novel, The War of the Worlds, is in post production, it was announced today by Pendragon Pictures. The new movie, titled War of the Worlds – The True Story, has a planned release date of October 2010.

Pendragon Pictures is an independent motion picture company that released a previous movie version of War of the Worlds in 2005. Their earlier production grossed $7 million dollars and sold 650,000 copies on DVD, though its...(More)



War of the Worlds
The True Story

Pendragon Pictures have launched their movie tour for the U.S. and Canada 2012 for War of the Worlds The True Story, a sci-fi/horror mock-documentary adaptation of H.G. Wells’ alien invasion memoirs.

Contributed by Jessica Martin

The new movie was created as a faux documentary, similar to the 1938 Orson Welles CBS radio broadcast that terrified America, blurring the line between reality and fiction.

In this piece, a 1965 film crew captured the memories of the last living survivor of the war between Earth and Mars that took place c1900. The filmed memoirs, discovered in a vault in 2006, were found with hours of previously unknown footage of the alien/Earth apocalypse, the actual Martian invaders and their terrifying machines of war. This is the motion picture presentation of that eyewitness account.

Director Timothy Hines originally released a version of War of the Worlds in 2005. Though the 2005 picture grossed seven million dollars, out sold Taylor Swift’s first CD release and did one quarter of the X-Men sales in dvd, Hines told he considers it to be a disaster.

“The 2005 film was both rushed and severely over-scaled with highly compressed post-production deadlines,” Hines told us.

“The 2005 movie simply didn’t work,” added producer Susan Goforth.

Jump to the present. Timothy Hines has created a new movie of War of the Worlds that plays on the premise that the world knows and has as its history, that the Earth was invaded by Mars in 1900. Director Hines says, “It’s not a documentary. It’s a mock-documentary, like a CNN documentary on steroids with action and horror.” (Entire Story)



War Of The Worlds Mock Documentary Is Coming

Seattle WA (SPX) Mar 12, 2010

A new live-action movie based on H.G. Wells' seminal science fiction alien invasion novel, The War of the Worlds, is in post production, it was announced by Pendragon Pictures. The new movie, titled War of the Worlds - The True Story, has a planned release date of October 2010.

Pendragon Pictures is an independent motion picture company that released a previous movie version of War of the Worlds in 2005. Their earlier production grossed $7 million dollars and sold 650,000 copies on DVD, though its critical reception was tepid.

Pendragon producer Susan Goforth states, "This is a complete remake, not a re-working of our previous production."

Under the direction of Timothy Hines, War of the Worlds - The True Story is being created as a faux documentary for television. Like the famous 1938 Orson Welles CBS radio broadcast of War of the Worlds, the new motion picture deliberately blurs the lines between reality and fiction.

Timothy Hines talks about the new story approach, "When Orson Welles broadcast War of the Worlds on the radio in the 30s, he presented it in such a way as to not clearly identify that it was a work of fiction. He did it for the drama. And many people took the fictional news broadcast as a real news broadcast. People believed they were hearing an actual invasion from Mars that night. We are approaching the story in the same way, as if it were an actual news documentary."

Entire Story...



A 1965 film crew captured the memories of the last living survivor of the war between Earth and Mars that took place c1900. The filmed memoirs, discovered in a vault in 2006, were found  with hours of previously unknown footage of the alien/Earth apocalypse, the actual Martian invaders and their war machines. This is the motion picture presentation of that eyewitness account.